Social media and family law: The impact on parenting proceedings   One increasingly popular form of evidence in parenting proceedings is that which is obtained via social media. Evidence obtained from sources such as Facebook and Twitter can sometimes provide beneficial (and conversely sometimes very damaging) evidence...

What is a grant of probate? A grant of probate deals with the assets and liabilities of the deceased. But executors and administrators also have duties and rights concerning the deceased's causes of death and body disposal. The deceased Cause of death- suing for damages and/or defending will...

What is probate of a will in Victoria?   These are the most common enquiries we receive about Probate: What is Probate? Do I need a grant of probate? What happens If I'm the executor and I can’t afford the funeral expenses? Am I capable of...

Losing a family member or a loved one is an emotionally distressing time for many people; comprehending the thought of never being able to see them again is enough to deal with. When there is a will involved, families can be torn apart in the midst...

So you finally got some court orders about your child’s right to spend time with you. But what happens when the other parent is withholding the children with excuses and parenting orders are breached? This was looked at in the recent case of Raki & Perez Varela...

Parental alienation seems to be increasing, according to a lot of family law solicitors in Australia. Meaning of Parental Alienation Syndrome What is parental alienation syndrome (PAS)? Essentially, it occurs when one parent influences the child against the other parent, by emotionally manipulating the child. Usually, the...

Are you wanting to relocate with children? How hard is it to relocate children overseas when the other parent opposes? When the courts consider cases on relocation of children, there is usually an extraordinary reason behind the application. However, in the case of Ellis & Murphy [2018] FamCA...

There has been a lot of debate lately about how hard or easy it is to challenge a binding financial agreement (BFA) in court.  BFAs made between married or de facto spouses and can be made before moving in/marriage ("prenups") or during the relationship post-marriage/moving...

Paternity in family law disputes Under current law, paternity is "presumed" in the flowing circumstances: If a child is born to a woman and at the time she is married – the child is presumed to be the child of the woman and her husband, subject...

As of 31 March 2023, Rigoli Lawyers was acquired by Michael Benjamin & Associates and many staff and clients joined the team at Michael Benjamin & Associates. Rigoli Lawyers is now incorporated within Michael Benjamin & Associates.