What happens to your online accounts when you die? As our online presence becomes increasingly prevalent it is still uncommon for people to consider what happens to their online accounts after they die. Losing a loved one is always a hard time, but this can become even...

Making a Will and Power of Attorney during COVID-19 During these uncertain times, we have seen an increase in enquires from people starting to think about the future, what is next after COVID-19 and what may happen to their personal and financial affairs moving forward. Our advice...

What is a grant of probate? A grant of probate deals with the assets and liabilities of the deceased. But executors and administrators also have duties and rights concerning the deceased's causes of death and body disposal. The deceased Cause of death- suing for damages and/or defending will...

What is probate of a will in Victoria?   These are the most common enquiries we receive about Probate: What is Probate? Do I need a grant of probate? What happens If I'm the executor and I can’t afford the funeral expenses? Am I capable of...

After 25 years of legal practice, I have come across a lot of myths about wills and common misconceptions that people have about Wills. Here are some of the common myths about wills I hear frequently. Myths about wills #1 - My wife and I can just make one...

In Victoria, it's not just anyone can challenge a will if they were left out or didn't get what they felt was a fair share in inheritance.   You have to be an eligible person before you can challenge with such a claim. Only some classes of...

As of 31 March 2023, Rigoli Lawyers was acquired by Michael Benjamin & Associates and many staff and clients joined the team at Michael Benjamin & Associates. Rigoli Lawyers is now incorporated within Michael Benjamin & Associates.